Clever Titles are for Better Writers Comics Round-Up 04/10/13

“If music be the food of love, play on,” wrote Shakespeare, but we don’t care about that because his plays didn’t have pictures, and comics don’t have music. C.O.M.I.C.S: Come, Our Menagerie Is Crumbling Swiftly.

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Clever Titles are for Better Writers Comics Round-Up 03/20/13 AND 03/27/13

Hey look! I have returned from the ashes, like a tiny child playing in the fireplace too long. Let’s bring it back with a bang as I talk about too many comics over the last two weeks, and I probably regret doing this. Ready? Let’s start.

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Crunching (comics) numbers – February

In December, I made a short post about what a month of comics looks like for me numbers-wise, which involved one of my favorite things: obsessing over weird shit. This month, I brought it back with 5000% more pretty graphs and exactly as much talk about ladies in comics.

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Clever Titles are for Better Writers Comics Round-Up 03/06/13

I can’t think of a better way to epitomize these “reviews” than showing up 4 days late with only two comics to actually talk about. My lateness aside, here’s a quick reminder: I only review comics I buy, cause I think that’s fair. If I pay money, I can call your comic shitty, that’s writer law. I’ve culled my pull-list a lot, recently, so if I’m not talking about a comic that’s excellent, let me know in the comments. Now that that’s done, here’re some opinions.

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Clever Titles are for Better Writers Comics Round-Up 02/20/13

There’s only two words in the world that matter, and those two words are COMICS and NOW. Prepare your eyeballs for opinions, this week I get emotional.

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